Thursday 12 July 2012

Tennis Shoes

Shoes, hmmmm, somebody mentioned something about shoes in a recent blog I read the other day.  But funnily enough, that day and before it, I had been thinking about doing my own blog on shoes too.

You see, I was thinking about tennis shoes, because I was wearing them and I hadn't worn them in a while.  I like to just look at them. Especially the purple adidas ones.  Don't get me wrong, the Nike's are cushy and when you are wearing them it is like sitting on a comfortable sofa.  But, I got tired of the faded pink color in the swoosh, as a couple pre-teens I know would say "that color is sooooo last year".

The adidas are just right.  If shoes could have a "match face" it would be these ones.  "What in the world does that mean????" you might think.  Well, the adidas are firm and strong.  The soles anchor you to the court so you can turn sharply, pivot around, jump, slide on volleys and you don't feel like you are going to lose balance, or do a foolish somersault fall like Andy Murray.  The purple color is striking and the stripes simple.  These shoes say, "Here I am, don't mess with me, I will return EVERYTHING...  It is fun just to wear them around the house in anticipation of the next tennis match or hit.  The color matches everything and they are comfortable.

Oh, and these shoes are not to be worn, Nike on the left, Adidas on the right...

Sunday 15 April 2012

Right handed tennis

Right-Handed tennis.  I only attempted this after a tennis friend suggested that I try it.  I didn't believe it would work and secretly thought I would humiliate myself on court.  Luckily that did not happen.

This brings me to the picture of Rafael Nadal who is in fact right handed, but was taught to play tennis left handed from an early age.  Hence his current left handed status.  I saw somewhere in a newspaper article that if you try a task with your non-dominant hand a couple of times, by the time you do it the third time, you will be able to do it fairly well.  I haven't researched it in depth but it must be great brain stimulation to try and do simple everyday tasks with your other hand.

Back to tennis.  So I luckily am availing of a top class coach who has been hitting with me for three weeks now.  It's a great way to sharpen tennis skills because you have to track the ball faster and have the racquet back earlier to anticipate the ball.  That is, you have to be ready earlier to return a shot.  He told me that early on he played a match against a totally ambidextrous player.  This guy warmed up hitting left handed, and then once they started the match, was playing right handed shots equally, so he covered all the best angles.  Another friend of mine, who was trying to reach a very tricky shot, passed the racquet into his left hand and returned it perfectly!

Serving right handed felt really weird at first.  You have to break down the shot into several steps and freeze when you take the racquet back.  Much practice resulted in an acceptable serve, even a slice serve, which some people try for weeks before they can get.  So that was a nice unexpected result...

I will have to research the "brain" angle on all this right vs left handed work.  It's great fun, and just goes to show that even though you may think you can't do it, you should try, and then you can!!!

Monday 27 February 2012

Mind Boggling Math

And I certainly do ask myself... Why in the world do we use algebraic formulae?  I think I have a good grasp of this as I vaguely remember the word algebra from high school math (and from doing a Master's level essay on the borrowing of Arabic words in the French language...)  Somehow that still doesn't help me attain a profound knowledge of the subject.

These fantastic fun and games exercises, as noted above,  are just a little pre-maths exercise module for some introductory accounting courses. Think about all the leaders of industry, the glamorous Christine Lagarde, and all small businessmen who as their bread and butter work manipulate maths and money to rule the world and squeeze profits out of everyone everywhere. This is what they must master!

Intimidating it is. I remember freshman high school maths classes, where sometimes I would get the right answer to the equation, but I wouldn't fully understand (or be able to write out) how. Of course that year, it didn't really matter to the teacher anyway, all he was thinking about was his impending retirement. I hope it is going to work a little better this time. I reckon math will have to be approached like a language, and whereas grammar is the rule structure that must balance the sentence, so numbers will be used to balance the equation and eek out the answer.  So where in French you have to add the extra -e for a girl when she says "Je suis allee" in maths you have to remember to divide or multiply both sides of the equation by the same number...

So all you brave people out there.  Go ahead and make up an imaginary bank loan, with an imaginary percent of interest and you figure out how much you will have after 3 years...

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Technology and Modernity

Today I was just looking at an e-mail from my parents saying that they were downloading ring tones for their iPhones yesterday and having good fun doing it.  What!!! Do we mean people who are maybe 18, 22, or even 40? No, my parents.  This leads me to ponder technology and the role of it in people's lives.  While I have to absolutely applaud my technology friendly parents, I would like to admonish those who need to catch up with the modern world.  You see, in retirement, this hobby has opened up a fantastic world for them.  They have participated in creative writing, photography, genealogy research, and kept up with their relatives in different parts of the world!

Here in Ireland, I think the older generation is still slowly waking up to the changes in the world during the last 20 years, or even 10.  I have to sneakily say, that I know some people here, who have tried to avoid this new technology, and have a small fear of it even.  On the other hand, I know a few retired people who have really embraced it and its usefulness. Particularly now more than ever, in Ireland, where many family members have had to emigrate due to the job situation.

Although I get great enjoyment from e-mailing, Skype,  internet use, and dare I say even online games, this use of technology has become slightly divisive in my family.  The owners of above pictured iPods are constantly being asked to turn them off, stop e-mailing pictures that shouldn't be e-mailed (yes, I am sure some of you saw the "Mother in Salute the Sun" yoga video..., and not bring them to the dinner table or up to bed...My husband would like to totally limit their use to music... whereas techie friendly Grandma said "you have to live in the modern world"...

I believe these are wise words.  You cannot turn back time, so why not embrace it.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

St. Brigit's Day

Tomorrow is the first of February and in Ireland it is St. Brigit's Day.  I would have never taken notice of this day, or this saint, for that matter, if it weren't for the boys coming home with special St. Brigit's crosses made out of green reeds.  They would have perhaps a nun and the local priest visit their school and show them how to make the cross.  This, according to Irish people, will protect your house against fire if you put it up on the wall somewhere.  I have a couple scattered around just in case...

There are many interesting stories about St. Brigit on various websites.  The one that I like the most, which has probably been embellished by modern writers is where she pops out her own eyeball.  This disfigurement is to ensure that she can follow her vocation of the religious life, and not be given away in marriage to an unsuitable husband.  Rumor has it that after she formed the first religious community for women in Ireland, her group was recognized and blessed by an established priest, and it was then that a miracle took place and her eye healed.  What some women would do to avoid a bad marriage!!!

Also, I remember my friend Jo's story about the handkerchief.  It is an old Irish country tradition that if you leave out a piece of cloth or handkerchief on a bush or clothesline tonight if would be touched by St. Brigit and would have curative or restorative powers.  This is called St. Brigit's Mantle.  Maybe I will try it!  If I can get out to the clothesline in this freezing cold weather...

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Something new for the New Year!!! This is the "games room" for playing pool or table tennis, listening to music, sitting by the fire, and generally, chilling out.  It's only 2 minutes from the house and is a warm and peaceful sanctuary for anyone who wants a break. No computers no phones, no tv.  Of course it is relaxing until your competitive urge kicks in, and you have to be the table tennis champion no matter what!!!

I have to admit I am struggling with the concept of New Years resolutions this year.  All of a sudden I am quite happy with the status quo.  Why should I put myself under pressure to become the perfect person?  Who cares if I am not the world's best "domestic goddess", or have the best "career".  Should I use a new type of moisturizer or drink a few more glasses of water a day...

No, I'd rather think about other things...How about myself and perfect tennis partners winning a couple grade 4 matches? Or learning how to do a topspin serve? OK, I am interested in that...

Thursday 22 December 2011


So, Christmas is rapidly approaching and I am thinking about our St. Stephen's Day feast.  I don't know who St. Stephen was or how that became a holiday here (one that is not celebrated in America), but I do know that we will be serving copious amounts of Indian food here at our house. There is something about the day after Christmas in Ireland which means that "if you didn't cook Christmas dinner, it's your turn to take in everybody today for a meal".

Today, there is so much to do.  I am just looking around my house at all the last minute jobs like wrapping a couple presents, finishing laundry, etc, etc, and it actually makes me less and less inclined to do any of them. In fact I find myself sitting at the table eating "Tesco's Finest" Nut Granola and sipping a lukewarm instant decaf coffee.  Yes, I have the Peets that arrived in the heavenly box from Santa Barbara, but I'm saving it!!!